G.K. Chesterton said, “We do not want a church that will move with the world; we want a church that will move the world.”
If we take this statement to be true, what would that look like? Do we still even need “church;” and, what exactly is “church?”
Is it just an outdated product of our culture, or is it actually part of God’s plan?
Jacques Ellul said that “man has set out at tremendous speed . . . to go nowhere.”
Wouldn’t you hate to have that said about you? Wouldn’t you hate to get all A’s but flunk life?
You’re invited to a free study at Cornerstone to dig & discuss -
What Does God Want to Do with Your Life?
FIVE Tuesdays, 10:00-11:15 a.m.
—— Coffee & tea from 9:30 ——
September 20th to October 18th